Jieyin Yang (杨婕吟)

Key Laboratory of Mathematics-Mechanization (KLMM) of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KLMM, AMSS, CAS)
University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)

Email: yangjieyin17@mails.ucas.ac.cn


I am currently pursuing the Phd degree at the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AMSS) and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). My supervisor is Prof. Xiaohong Jia. Before that, I received my Bachelor's degree of mathematics from UCAS in 2021.

My research interest includes computer graphics, computer aided geometric design and machine learning.


Accurate and robust registration of low overlapping point clouds.
Jieyin Yang, Mingyang Zhao, Yingrui Wu, Xiaohong Jia
Computers & Graphics, 2024.
Topology Guaranteed B-Spline Surface-Surface Intersection.
Jieyin Yang, Xiaohong Jia, Dong-Ming Yan
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph Asia), Vol. 42, 2023.

Honorary Awards

2023   Hua Luogeng Scholarship of AMSS (中科院数学院华罗庚奖学金)
2021-2022 (2 years)   Excellent Merit Student of CAS (中科院优秀三好学生)